March 30, 2025

Lot Lines

At the Register of Deeds, if the piece of ground you own has been platted [1], we will have a picture of the lot lines in a map form. You can request a copy of the official plat. The charge for an uncertified copy of a plat is $1.00 per page as set by SD Statute.

The plat will hopefully show you the lot lines and where the pins are established, however, the Register of Deeds is not authorized to show you where the pins are physically located on your property. If you cannot locate the surveryor’s markings or pins yourself, then you must contact a surveyor.

There are several surveying firms in the area that you may hire, however, there are two with offices in Davison County, and they are:

Infrastructure Design Group Inc.
520 N. Lawler St, Suite 400
Mitchell, SD 57301
Phone:  605-292-0231
Cell:  605-261-1246
Fax:  (605)- 271-2753
Email: [email protected]

SPN & Associates
Engineers, Planners and Surveyors
PO Box 398
2100 N. Sanborn Blvd
Mitchell, SD 57301

PHONE: (605) 996-7761
Fax: (605) 996-0015
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]

How do I tell if my ground has been platted?

First find a copy of the Deed to the land that you own or if that is not accessible, look at your last tax notice. On these documents you will find a legal description.

A legal description that is platted will be identified by subdivision name and/or lot, block or tract. For Example:

Lot 1, Block 2, Capital Addition to the City of Mitchell, Davison County, South Dakota.

If it is an unplatted piece of ground, it is identified according to the section, township and range. For Example:

The West 350’ of the NE ¼ of Section 12, Township 101, Range 60 and sometimes will be identified on a tax notice as just the W350’ NE1/4 12-101-60 .

Basically, if you find no reference to a lot, tract, or block, addition or subdivision name then it is an unplatted piece of ground.

IF YOUR GROUND IS UNPLATTED, WE WILL NOT HAVE A PLAT MAP FOR YOU TO LOOK AT IN THE REGISTER OF DEEDS’ OFFICE. (Plat maps do not show buildings in conjunction with the lot lines. The only map that may show buildings, might be a location survey which you may have purchased if you had a mortgage against your house in the last 15 to 20 years as most mortgage companies or title companies require that type of a survey to show that all buildings are on the ground they are using for collateral or writing title insurance on – those type of surveys most normally do not get recorded in our office. If you cannot find this survey among your papers you may want to ask the title company that you utilized when purchasing your home or the bank you have a mortgage at.)

[1] Definition of a Plat: A map of a town, section, or subdivision indicating the location and boundaries of individual properties.

Contact Us


Davison County, Register of Deeds
Danna Kolbeck
200 East 4th Ave.
Mitchell, SD 57301

Telephone: 605-995-8616
Fax: 605-995-8648
Email: [email protected]