March 25, 2025

Veteran’s Office

North Office

Davison County North Offices (Previous Central Electric Building)

*Please park behind the building, enter the North door, in the back of the main building.*

MISSION STATEMENT-To serve all veterans and their families with dignity and compassion by providing prompt and courteous assistance in preparing, submitting, and presenting all claims for benefits to which they may be entitled and serve as their principal advocate on veteran’s issues.

OUR VISION-To ensure that all veterans and their families understand and receive all the benefits, support, care, and recognition that the veteran has earned, by expertly administering all current programs, anticipating future needs, and taking appropriate action to meet those needs.

OUR CORE VALUES-We hold ourselves personally and professionally accountable to deliver on America’s promises to all veterans through courage, conviction, and a belief in our core values.

  • PROFESSIONALISM-Provide accurate and timely assistance and information with professional service.
  • INTEGRITY-Provide fair, honest, and objective advocacy in an ethical manner while displaying the highest standard of conduct both on and off duty.
  • COMPASSION-Consistently demonstrate care, concern, and understanding in every encounter with veterans and their families.
  • COMMITMENT-Fully dedicated to training and developing ourselves to become the best we can be as advocates for veterans and their families.
  • TEAMWORK-Everyone working together to accomplish the mission and goals of this office.

Veteran’s Office

TJ Thomas

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (605) 995-8619
Fax: (605) 990-2115

OFFICE HOURS M-F 8 am – 4 pm

Mailing Address:
1420 N. Main St.
Mitchell, SD 57301

Administrator: TJ Thomas, VSO Office: (605) 995-8619
Office Location: Davison County North Offices Fax: (605) 990-2115
Email: [email protected]
Benefits Officers:

Courtney Ditter, VSO

Tim Storly, VSO

[email protected]

[email protected]

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Veteran’s Service Officers

TJ Thomas II was born and raised in Chamberlain SD. After graduating High School in 2007, he joined the South Dakota National Guard. He has deployed with C BTRY 1 147th FA and B BTRY 1 147th FA. TJ is still currently serving in B BTRY 1 147th FA. He is married to his wife Kelsey, and have two daughters, Josephine and Eloise. TJ has lived in Mitchell for about 8 years now. He was the commander of VFW post 6436 for 6 years and now looks forward to helping Veterans and the Veterans family members.

Courtney Ditter was born in Sioux City, IA, but grew up in Kansas City, MO. In 2013, Courtney joined the Army National Guard as an All-Source Intelligence Analyst, where she also helped train new recruits for the National Guard and prepare them for Basic Training. After her service, Courtney went on to Northwest Missouri State University where she received her bachelor’s degree in human services, with a minor in Psychology and Sociology, where she also volunteered to help student service members and veterans with school-related issues.

Courtney’s husband, Alex, also served in the Army National Guard for 8 years. In 2017, Courtney and Alex moved to Mitchell, SD to be closer to family. On 13 June 2022, Courtney was hired as a Veteran’s Service Officer at the Veteran Service Office for Davison County. She has enjoyed serving her county and further enjoys being able to help service her fellow veterans and their families.

Tim Storly was raised in Aberdeen, SD, joined the SD Army National Guard (SDARNG), and attended drill in Mitchell. In January 2004, he began working for the SDARNG full-time and moved to Mitchell. After accumulating over 20 years of active duty, he retired in August 2023 and soon began a position with the Davison County Veterans’ Service Office. Tim has worked in South Dakota as a schoolteacher, youth instructor, supply sergeant, and operations sergeant. He is currently a part-time Veteran Services Officer.


  • Assisting VA Hospital Applicants with their Enrollment Forms.
  • Pension Eligibility Verification Reports for eligible Veterans, Widows and Children.
  • Requests Pertaining to Missing Military Records.
  • Assists and Submits G.I. Bill Benefits.
  • Request for Certificates of Eligibility for VA Home Loan Benefits.
  • Applications for Headstone or Grave Markers for Eligible Deceased Military Service Members.
  • Applications for Dependency and Indemnity Compensation.
  • Submission of appropriate Forms/Records for both Veteran’s Pension Claims and Death Pension benefits for Widows and Children.
  • Assisting Veterans applying for VA Compensation for their Service-Connected Disabilities.


Scheduling hours are Monday – Friday 8am-4pm. Riders must be ambulatory, no wheelchairs. Must give a 3-business day notice for needing a ride. This is ONLY for VA Medical Appointments. Call 605-995-8619.

Contact Us

Veteran’s Service Office
Davison County North Offices
1420 North Main
Mitchell, SD 57301

Phone: (605) 995-8619
Fax: (605) 990-2115
Email: [email protected]