March 25, 2025

Weed Department


Tyler Page

Weed Department

 Email: [email protected]

Office Phone: (605) 995-8625
Cell Phone: (605) 999-2522
Fax: (605) 995-8624

 Mailing Address:
Davison County Highway Department
1224 West 5th Avenue
Mitchell, SD  57301

Office Hours

7:00 am to 5:30 pm (summer – Memorial Day to Labor Day)


The Weed Department is responsible for weed control on all county properties located outside the corporate limits of any municipalities. The Weed Department maintains the appropriate weed control equipment and chemicals. The Supervisor also maintains records of weed and pest infestations, as well as control measures taken. The Weed Supervisor obtains bids for appropriate chemicals and equipment for weed control.

The Weed Department controls weeds on township and railroad property when such entities request it. The Weed Department also bills out all work done for other entities to the appropriate entity on a timely basis. The Supervisor is responsible to take the appropriate measures to control nuisance weeds on private property in accordance with state statute. He is also responsible for the record keeping and appropriate billing.

The Supervisor prepares publications and interviews for additional personnel for weed spraying during peak season.

To find out more about Weed Notices, click on:  Controlling noxious weeds

To find out what is on the next Weed Meeting agenda, click on:

List of state and local noxious weeds

The Davison County Weed Board:

Kevin Deinert
Brian Bode
Terry Nutter
James Miiller
Russ McCormick
Chris Nebelsick – Appointed Yearly as County Commissioner Representative

Township Weed Board Members:

Mark Schilling Mitchell Twp
Terry Nutter
Badger Twp
Amy Storm Baker Twp
Steve Deurmier Beulah Twp
Rod Muhs Blendon Twp
Allen Jenks Lisbon Twp
Kenny Hostler Mt Vernon Twp
Russ McCormick Perry Twp
Wade Strand Prosper Twp
Kevin Fergen Rome Twp
James Miiller Tobin Twp
Ryan Youngstrom Union Twp

Other helpful information and forms

Pesticide Restriction Request



Other Helpful Links:

Contact Us

emailDavison County Weed Department
1224 West 5th Ave.
Mitchell, SD 57301

Phone: 605-995-8625
2nd Line: 605-995-8626
Fax: 605-995-8624
Email: [email protected]