March 25, 2025

Welfare Office

The Welfare Office assists with applications for poor relief which consists of economic, medical and funeral assistance.
Our office is located at the Davison County Courthouse, which is located at 200 E 4th Ave. Mitchell, SD 57301.

Davison County Poor Relief Guidelines

Welfare Office

Christine Norwick


[email protected]
Phone: (605) 995-8611
Fax: (605) 995-8618

Mailing Address:

200 E 4th Ave.
Mitchell, SD 57301

Administrator: Davison County Commission

  • Office: (605) 995-8611
  • Fax: (605) 995-8618
  • Office Location: Davison County Courthouse 
  • [email protected]

Christine Norwick, Welfare Intake Administrative Assistant


Davison County Welfare provides emergency assistance for the indigent individuals who are county residents and meet the eligibility criteria, as outlined in state statues. This program is a resource of last resort which assists individuals, who have no other public or private third-party coverage.

Depending upon eligibility, available emergency services may include shelter, rent, utility bills, medications, emergency transportation, burials, or hospital bills. County assistance is provided only when other resources have been exhausted.

We also strive to promote collaborative efforts by ensuring that all individuals and families locate alternative supportive resources that will educate, empower, and assist them in reaching their maximum potential for self sufficiency.

Economic Assistance

Economic Assistance is an emergency assistance program. Eligibility is based on state statue and county guidelines. The amount of assistance granted is established in the county guidelines and the Federal Poverty Level guidelines. For all assistance granted a state statute requires that a lien is placed against the individual. Economic Assistance is not an on-going program, but is designed to address the immediate need.

Due to the attachment of a lien, the individual is encouraged to exhaust all other resources prior to making application with the county. The county will assist in making appropriate referrals and can act as an advocate on the individual’s behalf.

Types of assistance provided:

  • Rent
  • Utilities
  • Emergency Transportation

Assistance Application

Other Items Required

Medical Assistance

The county is a resource of last resort and requires that all other resources be exhausted first. Medical Assistance is determined by a formula established in the state statues. The individual’s availability and affordability of health care coverage will be one determining factor of eligibility. All medical services must meet the criteria of medical necessity set by state statue. The county works directly with medical providers and past and current employers in assessing eligibility. The county must approve non-emergency medical procedures prior to the services being performed. The county investigates and potential third-party payee. If the county approves financial assistance, a repayment plan will be established.

Types of assistance provided:

  • Medication
  • Hospital
  • Any other medical need that is referred by a physician

Medical Application

Other Items Required

Funeral Assistance

Davison County Welfare provides financial assistance for funeral services and burials for qualified individuals.

Funeral Application

Contact Us

Davison County Welfare Office
200 E. 4th Ave.
Mitchell, SD 57301

Phone: 605-995-8611
Fax: 605-995-8618
Email: [email protected]